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Technology solutions are a part of doing business just like sales and marketing, It is an integral component in servicing customers, managing costs and controlling operations. has an uncanny ability to find affordable technology solutions for a wide variety of situations. Our capabilities bridge database design and development, Internet web-based programs, hosting and co-location services, network and computer sales and support, document imaging, bar code scanning, corporate communications, fax and email programs, mobile applications, cloud computing and help desk services. Interested in taking a step forward with technology? Looking to take advantage of the latest advances? Just want to take advantage of your new computer? Small or large, simple or complex, give us a call to discuss where you want to go. The first consultation is always without charge. Call us at 877-253-2379 or email to discuss your opportunities.
Tech Spotlight |
Like to listen to Books?
I wrote about this last month. If you missed it, click here.
It is a very powerful tool and worth your review. Click below to set up a free account.
Audible is an Amazon company that provides books which can be downloaded to your MP3 player, computer, iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iPad, Blackberry or Kindle. Yes Kindle. And not just books. Podcasts, newspapers (like the Wall Street Journal), magazines, radio, TV and original content. Type in a keyword and then sort the results by best sellers, customer rating, release date, length, price, author or title.
First time readers, welcome! Returning readers, welcome back!
Springtime in New England can be a damp and dark time. It can also be a time of hard work rebuilding what winter has torn apart. And then comes some time for leisure. What better way to enjoy a little leisure time than to share a glass of wine. Cheers!
We do not want to waste your time. Articles will contain generally less than 250 words. Please have a look and give us your feedback. By all means, forward to a friend using the link at the bottom of the Newsletter. Thanks. Questions? Email me at |
White Boards in Peril?
At TRI, We are on the war-path. We are looking for white boards. Not the kind that frequent conference rooms hither and yon. We are looking for the white boards used to keep lists. Lists of customers, appointments, drivers, trucks, loads, shipments, days, weeks, months or even years. White boards that exist in one place and time, viewable by only those lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.
Don't get us wrong. We like white boards. They are colorful, informative and help collaboration and the dissemination of information. But be cautious of the drawbacks.
- Information once recorded can be instantly erased with the swipe of just about anything
- Erasing can be accomplished intentionally as easily as unintentionally
- Information can be recorded in a logical manner but not easily edited with the same clarity
- Over time, information can become spotty as if moths had eaten bits of it away
- Fonts are not included, handwriting quality is solely dependent upon the author
- Children love to play with white boards
We aren't looking to eliminate white boards, although for some, we will. We are however looking to supplant them with software that enables the white board lovers to visualize the same information on their PC, on their iPad or in a Web browser. We are looking to empower white board users across time and space making information available anytime and anywhere. |
Celebrity Wines
I have enjoyed wine for a number of years, particularly the hearty red wines (I am told they are good for the heart, not just the soul). As it turns out, it also seems to be a very popular past time for those who have, shall we say, excess capital. You probably have seen wines by Greg Norman or Francis Coppola. You can find them just about anywhere. You may have even seen Tommy Smothers (The Smothers Brothers) hawking his fine Sonoma County wines.
But did you know that wines were also produced by such notables as Dave Mathews, Ernie Els, Peggy Fleming, Mario Andretti, Dan Aykroyd and Gerard Depardieu. Oh, that's not all. Lorraine Bracco (Soprano's) produces wine in Tuscany. Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac) has a winery in Lake County, California. Emilio Estevez calls himself Don Emilio and built a winery in Malibu, California. Pixar's John Lasseter has the Lasseter Family Wines in Sonoma County, California. Even Madonna has thrown her hat into the mix with a winery in her home state of Michigan run by her father Silvio T. Ciccone.
No matter. Whatever winery you choose, the soil, weather, bottling and vintage are what matters most. Enjoy. |
Wine Transportation to Massachusetts?
Thirty-seven states and Washington D.C., but not Massachusetts, allow licensed wineries to ship directly to consumers. Those states account for 83% of US wine consumption. Massachusetts is the seventh largest wine consumption state in the U.S. however it is one of 17 states that continue to ban winery-to-consumer direct shipments.
Currently, the 2006 Massachusetts law had provided for direct shipment only when the source winery produced less than 30,000 gallons of wine per year and were not represented by a Massachusetts wholesale distributor. This eliminates wines from smaller winery's to ever reach our table.
A hearing was held on May 10th on HB 1029 which would allow wines to be shipped directly to consumers in Massachusetts.
Have an opinion? Voice it to your representative. |
If any of the information here is of interest to you, please drop us a note. If you would like to see specific information on technology issues that affect you and your business, please let us know.
Sincerely, Robert McKay Jones Transportation Resources, Inc. 50 Leominster Road, Suite #3 Sterling, Massachusetts 01564 877-253-2379 |