February 2011

In This Issue
Cost of Fuel
Endearing = Enduring
Have an Idea?
Article Headline
Technology Resources
Technology solutions are a part of doing business just like sales and marketing,  It is an integral component in servicing customers, managing costs and controlling operations. trif.com  has an uncanny ability to find affordable technology solutions for a wide variety of situations. Our capabilities bridge database design and development,  Internet web-based programs, hosting and co-location services, network and computer sales and support, document imaging, bar code scanning, corporate communications, fax and email programs, mobile applications, cloud computing and help desk services.   Interested in taking a step forward with  technology?   Looking to take advantage of the latest advances?  Just want to take advantage of your new computer?   
Small or large, simple or complex, give us a call to discuss where you want to go.  The first consultation is always without charge. Call us at 877-253-2379 or email
rmj@trif.com to discuss your opportunities.
Tech Spotlight
Like to listen to Books?
I wrote about this last month.  If you missed it, click here.
It is a very powerful tool and worth your review. Click below to set up a free account.
Audible is an Amazon company that provides  books which can be downloaded to your MP3 player, computer, iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iPad, Blackberry or Kindle.  Yes Kindle.  And not just books.  Podcasts, newspapers (like the Wall Street Journal), magazines, radio, TV and original content.  Type in a keyword and then sort the results by best sellers, customer rating, release date, length, price, author or title.

Blog trif.com LinkedIn


First time readers, welcome!  Returning readers, welcome back! 
It's a new year and optimism abounds.  The signs are all pointing up!  Unemployment continues to drop, earnings are up, the producer Price Index is up.  But more importantly, something is in the wind.  Thank you to Lisa Hamaker   (http://www.openheartedworks.com/) for pointing this out to me.  
We do not want to waste your time. Articles will contain generally less than 250 words.  Please have a look and give us your feedback.
By all means, forward to a friend using the link at the bottom of the Newsletter.  Thanks.  Questions?  Email me at
The Cost of Fuel?


One of the things we do at TRI is track the cost of diesel fuel.  We do this because many of our clients base the application of fuel surcharges on the cost of fuel at the date of the shipment.  So every week, our system automatically retrieves the current fuel cost from the EIA  (United States Energy Information Administration) and add the current charges to a running table of per gallon costs.

We have been tracking this for more than 10 years and the graph shows the results.  So although many economic conditions are looking up, the cost of fuel has increased more than 50% in the last two years and is still climbing.

Endearing = Enduring


"We're entering an Age of Transcendence, as peopleincreasingly search for higher meaning in their lives, not just more possessions. This is transforming the marketplace, the workplace, the very soul of capitalism. Increasingly, today's most successful companies are bringing love, joy, authenticity, empathy, and soulfulness into their businesses: they are delivering emotional, experiential, and social value-not just profits.


It's not about "corporate social responsibility": it's about building companies that can sustain success in a radically new era."


This book, Firms of Endearment, (written by Rajendra Sisodia, David Wolfe and Jagdish Sheth) argues that we must foster values not just innovation, emotional intelligence not just business savvy, a "share of heart" not just a share of wealth.


Some believe that humanity is making a shift.  This book enlightens us how we in business can and must make a shift as well. We are all involved either acting or watching others act.


(Quotes reprinted from the book cover)

Have an Idea for Something New? Need Funding? 


I found an inspiring site for imaginative, passionate and ambitious entrepreneurs that have an idea and need financial support to turn their idea into a reality: www.kickstarter.com.


Here you will find concepts ranging from a film script to a new sandal or a new iPad stand called PadPivot.  I found the site when I was searching for iPad accessories (because I Love my iPad). PadPivot was conceived by Jim Young, an independent designer in Seattle, Washington along with another guy he met on a designers social networking site. (That's how the world connects these days, get used to it!)  They love the iPad too, but get frustrated having to always hold the iPad with one hand and 'drive' it with the other.


I liked the idea so much that I joined 1200 other backers and "invested" $75 towards the development of this product. The only way the developers will get any money is if the project is fully funded.  In this case, Jim was asking for $10,000.  The project has already received $51,800 in funding.  A sign of a great concept!


What do I get?  First and foremost, I get the satisfaction in participating in the creation of a new product.  How cool is that?  But I also get a couple of these PadPivots once they are manufactured.


Have a look, dream of something new.  Maybe we'll see each other on kickstarter.com!

Google Voice, Good for You?

Google Voice is a new service from Google allowing you to select a telephone number and connect that number to one or many phones, mobile, land-line, cable, whatever.  You can use it to provide a single point of contact - a single number - to connect to many phones - land, mobile or IP. It is a free service unless you are making international calls with the service.  So what can you do with it?  

This is what we have done with Google Voice at TRI.  We have set up a new number. An easy to remember number that will not change.  It is 747 (like the jet) - 333 - TRIF.  (747) 333-8743.  Cool, right?  So how does that help you?  It is an emergency number when you need help NOW.  That one number will reach out to ALL of us here at TRI.  Someone will either answer or respond to that call within 30 minutes regardless of time of day or day of week, month or year.  

You see, at TRI, we have land-line, IP, toll-free, mobile, fax, Skype, Sightspeed and home telephone service. There are oodles of ways for you to contact us. But sometimes that is a problem in and of itself!  It can get a bit frustrating   We understand that sometimes, you just need to talk with someone NOW.  Well this is how you do it.  Call 747-333-8743 and all our phones will ring.  Someone will answer immediately or respond within 30 minutes.  We have also provided a direct connect using your computer on our contact page at www.trif.com.


For more information on Google Voice, check out the many videos at http://www.google.com/googlevoice/about.html 


If any of the information here is of interest to you, please drop us a note.  If you would like to see specific information on technology issues that affect you and your business, please let us know.

Robert McKay Jones
Transportation Resources, Inc.  
50 Leominster Road, Suite #3 
Sterling, Massachusetts 01564